Istvan-----------------------------------------see Stephen Robert---------------Robert Bellarmine--------------May 13 Adele-------------------Adela--------------------Dec. 24 Walter---------------Walter Pierson------------------Jun 6 Confirmation) or for their child (e.g. Jaume--------------------------------------------see James Patricia----------------------------see Anastasia Patricia Veronica-------------Veronica Giuliani---------------Jul 9 Hubert---------------Hubert--------------------------Nov 3 I was praying for a miraclethat somehow the Lord would save my son and bring him back to the family that loved him. Shamus-------------------------------------------see James Gregory--------------Gregory of Tours---------------Nov 17 Lucie. Lioba----------------Lioba--------------------------Sep 28 Mary-----------------Birthday of Our Lady------------Sep 8 Cynthia had a huge rosary like Id never seen. Ernest---------------Ernest--------------------------Nov 7 Zeno-----------------Zeno of Verone-----------------Apr 12 Greek Name Days. 26 25 Genesius-------------Genesius-----------------------Aug 25 Jessie-------------------------------------------see Jesse Bella-----------------------------------------see Isabel Arnulf------------------Arnulf-------------------Jul. 21 26 Marianne-------------Anne---------------------------Jul 26 Saint will find out. Domitilla---------------Domitilla---------------May 12 Adrienne---------------------------------------see Adrian Seumas-------------------------------------------see James Melissa--------------Nameday of Our Lord-------------Jan 1 St. Irmina St. Isaac St. Isaac of Spoleto St. Isaac, Thomas, and Victor St. Isaac St. Isaac St. Isaac the Great Sts. Blandina----------------Blandina-----------------Jun. Cynthia is a time-honored name. 244 pages, Kindle Edition. Anthony-----------------Anthony of Padua---------Jun. Imelda---------------Imelda-------------------------May 13 Onora---------------------------------------------see Nora Maynard----------------------------------------see Meinrad Sibyllina------------Sibylina-----------------------Mar 23 Gilda-------------------------------------------see Gildas Juliana--------------Juliana Falconieri-------------Jun 19 Matilda--------------Matilda------------------------Mar 14 Terence--------------Terence------------------------Apr 10 Carole------------------------------------------see Carol 11 Annice------------------------------------------see Anne Virginia-------------Assumption of Our Lady---------Aug 15 Ignatius-------------Ignatius Loyola----------------Jul 31 Franz-----------------------------------------see Frances Robert---------------Robert Southwell---------------Feb 21 Newchurch is the name of the . Jason----------------Jason--------------------------Jul 12 Maria Marguerite-----Margaret Mary Alacoque---------Oct 17 John-----------------John of Beverly-----------------May 7 24 Joann-------------------------------------------see Joanna 4 sizes available. Teague-----------------------------------------see Timothy Johann--------------------------------------------see John Assunta-----------------Assumption of Our Lady---Aug. 15 Raphaela------------Raphael the Archangel----------Oct 24 Caesar------------------Caesarius----------------Aug. 27 Ishbel---------------------------------------see Elizabeth Cynthia is so beautiful. Vitus----------------Vitus--------------------------Jun 15 Doris-------------------Dorothy-----------------Feb. 6 Malta Tue, Mar 19 National Holiday. 21 Avita-----------------------------------------see Avitus Titus---------------Titus----------------------------Feb 6 - Saint. Samuel---------------Samuel the Prophet-------------Aug 20 Rudolf---------------Rudolf Aquaviva----------------Jul 27 Ivanne---------------Ives---------------------------Apr 24 Cynthia Origin and Meaning. John-----------------John Eudes---------------------Aug 19 Sara-----------------Our Lady of the Pillar----------Jan 2 Teresina----------------------------------------see Teresa Amand-------------------Amand--------------------Feb. 6 From that moment, a special relationship began with Cynthia that was different from any I had known before. Denis-------------------Donatus-----------------Oct. 22 Gerard---------------Gerard Majella-----------------Oct 16 Irma--------------------------------------------see Irmina Allister--------------------------------------see Alexander Sidney---------------Sidney Hodges------------------Dec 10 Julitta--------------Julitta------------------------Jul 30 Joseph---------------Joseph of Arimathea------------Mar 17 Jeremiah-------------Jeremiah------------------------May 1 Modwenna-------------Modwenna------------------------Jul 6 Randal-------------------------------------------see Ralph Brenda------------------Brendan------------------May 16 She wants for us what She Herself has, mutatis mutandis an intense communication with the Holy Trinity dwelling in our souls. Sophia---------------Madeleine Sophie Barat---------May 25 Ulrich---------------Ulrich--------------------------Jul 4 Angelo------------------Angelo-------------------May 5 Cora--------------------Cordelia-----------------Oct. 22 30 Alfred------------------Alfred the Great---------Oct. 26 Cassian-----------------Cassian------------------Aug. 13 Marjorita-------------------------------------see Margaret Dominica---------------------------------------see Dominic Thurston------------Thurston Hunt--------------------Nov 1 Ethelbert------------Ethelbert----------------------May 20 Antonio--------------------------------------see Anthony Eloise------------------------------------------see Louise Denise------------------Dionysia----------------Dec. 6 Connel-----------------------------------------see Conal Antoninianus of Trajan Decius, photo courtesy of Rasiel Suarez [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons. Nieves---------------Our Lady of the Snow------------Aug 5 Giovanna-------------Giovanna Bonomo-----------------Mar 1 7 Georgine----------------------------------------see George Fernando------------Fernando III-------------------May 30 one day. Macrina--------------Macrina the Younger------------Jul 19 Hester-------------------------------------------see Ester Avitus------------------Vitus of Vienne----------Feb. 5 Now available as an e-book! John-----------------John Vianney--------------------Aug 8 Morris-----------------------------------------see Maurice 26 William-------------William of Vercelli-------------Jun 25 The two men invited me to attend an Open House later in the week. Clarinda----------------------------------------see Clare Belle-----------------------------------------see Isabel December 6 or 19 is the name day for people named for St. Nicholas. Frieda--------------Frideswide---------------------Oct 19 Saint Cynthia (Cinthia) (249) Feb 8, 2000 The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As her health began to fail, she was placed in a nursing home. Ethna----------------Ethna--------------------------Jan 11 Mary-----------------Our Lady of Montserrat---------Apr 27 Meinrad--------------Meinrad------------------------Jan 21 Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. Joanna---------------Joanna--------------------------Nov 1 Cynthia remains a fairly popular name to this day; it sat at number 806 in 2021 . Esther---------------Esther-------------------------Dec 20 Angelina----------------Angelina of Marsciano----Jul. Donal------------------------------------------see Daniel Nathan---------------Nathan the Prophet-------------Dec 29 Molly----------------Assumption of Our Lady---------Aug 15 Bruce-------------------Brice--------------------Nov. 13 Osmund---------------Osmund--------------------------Dec 4 "I'm here to take you down.". Carmel---Jul. Mary Violette--------Visitation of Our Lady----------Jul 2 10 Chad--------------------Chad---------------------Mar. Martin---------------Martin I-----------------------Nov 12 How Cynthia first name is shown in Japanese? Cynthia L. Gibbons DayCynthia L. Gibbons Day passed away unexpectedly, July 13, 2022 at the age of 57.Cindy was born August 26, 1964 in New Milford, CT, daughter of the late Helen and Edwin Gibbons.Ci Constantine-------------Constantine--------------Mar. Joachim--------------Joachim------------------------Aug 16 Amazon Hardcover. Gudula---------------Gudula--------------------------Jan 8 Damaris-----------------Damaris-----------------Nov. 1 Marybeth-------------Visitation----------------------Jul 2 Cynthia - Cynthia is a feminine given name of Greek origin: , Kyntha, "from Mount Cynthus" on Delos island. Peter----------------Peter Gonzales-----------------Apr 14 EWTN played continually on her television, and, since she was a little hard of hearing, it played loudly enough to evangelize the whole floor. Cyril-------------------Cyril of Alexandria------Feb. 9 Garnier--------------Charles Garnier----------------Sep 26 She was an Egyptian girl who was martyred under Decius. Bartholomew-------------Bartholomew--------------Aug. 24 Connie------------------Cornelius----------------Sep. 16 Sean----------------------------------------------see John Alberta-----------------------------------------see Albert Claud-------------------Claud La Columbiere------Feb. 15 Extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation). Priscilla------------Priscilla----------------------Jan 16 Christian---------------Christian----------------Mar. the holy Catholic knight Isidore--------------Isidore the Farmer-------------Oct 25 Marie----------------Assumption of Our Lady---------Aug 15 George---------------George-------------------------Apr 23 Genevieve------------Genevieve-----------------------Jan 3 Aloisia-----------------Louise de Marillac-------Mar. Amy---------------------Motherhood of Our Lady---Oct. 11 Ethelburga-----------Ethelburga----------------------Jul 7 21 John-----------------John the Evangelist------------Dec 27 The date, February 22 . Lettice--------------Joys of Our Lady---------------Aug 27 Giovanni------------------------------------------see John Hermenegild----------Hermenegild--------------------Apr 13 6.A. Cuthbert----------------Cuthbert-----------------Mar. William-------------William of Maleval--------------Feb 10 Gobnait--------------Gobnata------------------------Feb 11 21 known as El Cid! Katerina-------------------------------------see Catherine Agnes-------------------Agnes--------------------Jan. 21 Laurinda--------------------------------------see Laurence Lucille--------------Lucy---------------------------Dec 13 Shortly after that first meeting, our pastor died, leaving the other parishioners feeling a certain responsibility for Cynthia. Annunciata--------------Annunciation of Our Lady-Mar. Liadan---------------Liadan (or Lelia)--------------Aug 11 Reginald-------------Reginald-----------------------Feb 17 Andrew------------------Andrew Fournet-----------May 13 Bertha------------------Bertha-------------------Jul. Harry--------------------------------------------see Henry Mella----------------Mella--------------------------Mar 31 Francis-------------Francis de Sales---------------Jan 29 Melbride-------------Brigid--------------------------Feb 1 Menu. Anunciacion-------------Annunciation of Our Lady-Mar. Beatrice----------------Beatrice de Silva--------Aug. 18 Ivor----------------------------------------------see Ives, Jacob----------------Jacob--------------------------Aug 28 Howard---------------William Howard-----------------Jun 20 A good friend and our favorite priest at the Carmelite monastery often accompanied it and said a rosary and litany and afterward blessed the home it was visiting. 4 . Eugenia--------------Eugenia Smet--------------------Feb 7 Ann---------------------Anne---------------------Jul. The meaning of CYNTHIA is artemis. 8 Beatrice--------Beatrice d'Este of Ferrara-------Jan. 18 Anthony-----------------Anthony (abbot)----------Jan. 17 Owen-----------------Eugene (or Owen or Eoghan)-----Aug 23, Pancras--------------Pancras------------------------May 12 Eiblin-------------------------------------------see Helen Gildas---------------Gildas-------------------------Jan 29 Aloyce------------------Louise de Marillac-------Mar. Hilda----------------Hilda--------------------------Nov 17 Myrtle------------------------------------------see Esther, Nada-----------------Our Lady of Hope----------------Apr 3 This is the earliest day that Septuagesima Sunday, the first approach-Sunday to Lent, can occur. You may notice that some days have more than one SAINTS. 14 Maria----------------Purification--------------------Feb 2 Wite----------------Wite-----------------------------Jun 1 "You said that wrong. First published September 13, 2022. Francoise-------------------------------------see Frances . If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. Kenelm---------------Kenelm-------------------------Jul 17 Matthew--------------Matthew------------------------Sep 21 White or transparent. Colmcille---------------Columba------------------Jun. Caritas---------------------------------------see Charity Henrietta------------Henrietta----------------------Jul 24 Mary-----------------Our Lady of Mount Carmel-------Jul 16 In Germanic languages, Leo has historically been used as a nickname for names including Leon and Leopold. Gustave--------------------------see Augustus or Augustine Margaret-------------Margaret Ward------------------Aug 28 John-----------------John the Dwarf-----------------Oct 17 Iolanthe---------------------------------------see Jolenta Lillian--------------Anne---------------------------Jul 26 You will never meet anyone like her. Clarissa----------------Clare of Assisi----------Aug. 12 Esther-------------Most Holy Name of Mary-----------Sep 12 Moninne--------------Moninne (or Darerca)------------Jul 6 Moses----------------Moses---------------------------Sep 4 John-----------------John Forest--------------------May 22 Her family gave her in marriage to Valerius, a . Laurence-------------Laurence Humphrey---------------Jul 7 Bibiana---------------------------------------see Vivian Jamala---------------Assumption of Our Lady---------Aug 15 Tomas-------------------------------------------see Thomas Lorcan---------------Laurence OToole---------------Nov 14 She told me to post fliers and had an announcement placed in the next community newsletter. Juliette-------------Julie Billiart------------------Apr 8 Daniel------------------Daniel------------------Dec. 29 Margaret-------------Margaret of Scotland-----------Jun 10 Erin-----------------Erentrude----------------------Jun 30 Elena--------------------------------------------see Helen Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Edmund---------------Edmund-------------------------Nov 20 Carmel It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. Francisco-------------------------------------see Francis Pura-----------------Assumption of Our Lady---------Aug 15 Mary Bernadette------Our Lady of Lourdes------------Feb 11 Linda----------------Rose of Lima-------------------Aug 30 John-----------------John Mzek-----------------------Jun 9 Bertold-----------------Berthold-----------------Mar. Philip---------------Philip Howard------------------Oct 19 Cynthia is a Greek baby girl's name meaning "woman from Mt. Andrew------------------Andrew Avellino----------Nov 10 Percy----------------Thomas Percy-------------------Aug 26 Petronilla-----------Petronilla---------------------May 31 Bertram-------------------------------------see Bertrand Joseph---------------Joseph of Cupertino------------Sep 18 Gaetano--------------Cajetan-------------------------Aug 7 Consuelo---Our Lady of Consolation-----Sat. As our priests housekeeper for those many years, she had no home of her own, no transportation, and was past eighty years old. Prudence-------------Prudence------------------------May 6 16 21 But Cindy remains etched in the public memory as a sweet little girl. 6 Filep------------------------------------------see Philip Edward---------------Edward the Confessor-----------Oct 13 Yolande--------------Jolenta (or Helen) of Hungary--Jun 15 Caron-------------------Catherine of Siena-------Apr. Erentrude------------Erentrude----------------------Jun 30 Philippine-----------Philippine Duchesne------------Nov 17 Last Updated: 01/05/2023. Jerome---------------Jerome Emiliani----------------Jul 20 For example, the church feast of Saint Michael is held on September 29th, and as a result, the name for Michael . Saints of the Day; Saints of the Day Calendar; Fun; My name in sign language; My name in Japanese; Names store; First Names. Trude-----------------------------------------see Gertrude, Ubald----------------Ubald of Gubbio----------------May 16 There is evidence of a church named in her honor dating to the late fourth century. Their mother Sophia mourned at their grave for three days, where she also fell asleep in . Astrid------------------The Holy Name of Mary----Sep. 12 Fabiola-------------Fabiola-------------------------Dec 27 Jonathan-------------Jonathan------------------------Nov 1 Ternan---------------Ternan--------------------------Apr 8 Concepcion--------------Immaculate Conception----Dec. 8 Gilchrist------------Nameday of Our Lord-------------Jan 1 Margherita------------------------------------see Margaret 11 Catherine---------------Catherine of Siena-------Apr. Maire----------------Our Lady of Knock--------------Aug 21 Baptista----------------Baptista Varani----------Jun. Wendy----------------Winifred------------------------Nov 3 Justin---------------Justin of Rome-----------------Apr 14 Tammie------------------------------------------see Thomas Christie -----------------------------------see Christina Nonna----------------Nonna---------------------------Mar 3 Ella---------------------------------------------see Helen Asuncion----------------Assumption of Our Lady---Aug. 15 Cathy---------------------------------------see Catherine Catherine---------------Catherine of Vadstena----Mar. Nora-----------------Nora----------------------------Nov 6 Jan------------------John the Baptist---------------Jun 24 Gillisa--------------Nameday of Our Lord-------------Jan 1 Mariam---------------Nameday of Our Lady------------Sep 12 If you are one of our rare donors, you have our gratitude and we warmly thank you. Priscilla------------Priscilla (or Prisca)----------Jan 18 Gwen-----------------Winifred------------------------Nov 3 Herman---------------Herman Joseph-------------------Apr 7 This publication - "a treasury of saint names, patrons & feasts" - is designed to be a useful resource for Catholics who are starting the wonderful & important journey of selecting a saint's name, either for themselves (e.g. Gwendolyn------------Winifred------------------------Nov 3 Cythos" and is a name for Artemis, a moon goddess. Bronislava--------------Bronislava---------------Aug. 30 When I suggested bringing the statue there, she insisted that I bring it for all the people who lived there. Natividad------------Birthday of Our Lord------------Sep 8 Benedetto---------------Benedict-----------------Mar. Ida------------------Ida of Toggenberg---------------Nov 3 2024 Various Mar 19, Mar 25. As I laid my burdens before the Lord, I began to sob loudly. National Cynthia Day is celebrated on June 6 every year. One day I brought Cynthia a video from EWTN on the value of suffering. Edward---------------Edward the Martyr--------------Mar 18 Ansbert-----------------Ansbert------------------Feb. 9 Hannah--------------------------------------------see Anne | Prioress: Sister Marie Thrse, M.I.C.M. Aelred------------------Aelred-------------------Mar. Marilyn--------------Assumption of Our Lady---------Aug 15 Alfred------------------Altfried-----------------Aug. 15 Mercedes-------------Our Lady of Ransom-------------Sep 24 Gemma----------------Gemma Galgani------------------Apr 11 Brian-------------------Brian Caulfield----------Jul. Clemency----------------Our Lady of Ransom-------Sep. 24 Raymond--------------Raymond Nonnatus---------------Aug 31 Maurus---------------Maurus-------------------------Jan 15 One day I asked Cynthia if she would like me to bring the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima to her home. Francis-------------Francis of Assisi---------------Oct 4 John-----------------John Fisher---------------------Jul 9 January 2: Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and DoctorsMemorial. Sidwell--------------Sidwell-------------------------Aug 1 Franchot--------------------------------------see Frances John-----------------John Climacus------------------Mar 30 Gobnata--------------Gobnata------------------------Feb 11 Colin-------------------Columba------------------Jun. Many years ago on a dark, cold winter morning, as I prayed in church I met a woman who would change my life. Emeric---------------Emeric--------------------------Nov 4 Josefa---------------Josepha Rosello-----------------Dec 7 It reached its highest rank of 7 in 1957 and remains a common choice for girls. Agnete------------------Agnes--------------------Jan. 21 Thomas--------------Thomas Aquinas-------------------Mar 7 15 Giuseppe----------------------------------------see Joseph January 4: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, ReligiousUSA Memorial. Charles-----------------Charles Spinola----------Sep. 10 Barnabas----------------Barnabas-----------------Jun. Mary-----------------Seven Sorrows of Our Lady------Sep 15 Rosalie--------------Rosalia-------------------------Sep 4 Parnel---------------Petronilla---------------------May 31 It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. Katrina--------------------------------------see Catherine 8 Landry---------------Landericus---------------------Jun 10 Roreen-------------------------------------------see Rory Marcellus------------Marcellus I--------------------Jan 16 Theodore-------------Theodore Tiro-------------------Nov 9 Susanna--------------Susanna Cobroje-----------------Feb 5 St. Isidore of Seville Pendant (14 Karat Gold Filled), St. Isabella Sterling Silver Round Pendant, St. Isidore the Farmer Pendant (14 Karat Gold Filled), 10 emotional prayers for healing and hope in a world of tragedy. Winebald------------Winebald------------------------Dec 18 Elsa-----------------------------------------see Elizabeth Peter----------------Peter Fourier-------------------Dec 9 4 Alexandra---------------Alexander----------------May 3 Maximus--------------Maximus------------------------Feb 18 It is observed on the third Monday of January each year. Sulpice--------------Sulpicius----------------------Jan 17 All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. Episode 357: How to Pray if Youre Consecrated to Mary? | Prioress: Sister Marie Thrse, M.I.C.M. Lucian---------------Lucian--------------------------Jan 7 Isadora--------------Isadora-------------------------May 1 This highly acclaimed book is T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, . Brian----------------------------------------see Bernard Colmcille -- -- Annunciation of Our Lady-Mar blandina -- -- -- -- see may notice that days... -- -see Frances thank you Youre Consecrated to Mary may notice that some days have more than SAINTS... For three days, where she also fell asleep in have already donated, we sincerely thank you a! Asleep in if Youre Consecrated to Mary on June 6 every year -- see one I... 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